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Devotional Anarchy with Isha Vela

Dec 1, 2024

Let's talk about debt, shall we?

We treat having debt like it's a moral failure when our ENTIRE money system is actually a debt system. 

In this pre-holiday episode I get into the psychological factors that get us into debt, how debt stress keeps you complicit with the debt system, and how to GTFO. 

We go into...

Nov 15, 2024

At the end of every podcast season I like to take a look at the astrological forecast of the next year, and there was NO better time to do that than post-election and before Pluto moves into Aquarius.

I invited Natalie Levin, soprano singer, astrologer (and financial professional in the making) to take you through...

Nov 1, 2024

Do you have things you want to say online that you're holding back? Are there stories you're not sharing because they involve trauma and other people?

This kind of real AF storytelling and leadership that a) people are dying for more of and b) builds massive trust and has people lining up to pay you as an...

Oct 17, 2024

Making more money, whether it's growing your audience or breaking into a new niche, is all about who you know

When you read that your mind probably goes to good old boys smoking cigars at country clubs but the reality is ALL business is relational, because we naturally work with people we know, like, and more...

Oct 2, 2024

Are you ready to be a fly on the wall to my podcast audit? Angie Jordan, the queen of making your podcast part of your marketing and growth strategy (AKA your podcast launch bestie), agreed to come on my podcast and do a live audit.

Yes, it was my turn to be in the hot seat and look at my numbers!

In this episode,...